Recipe by Dragon
Inspired by David Lebovitz
David Lebovitz is the king of all frozen treats! No, really, he is. His book, The Perfect Scoop, is a treasure box of ice creams, frozen yogurts, sorbets and granitas. His techniques for making the perfect ice cream was the inspiration for my Summer Berry Ice Cream.
Makes: 1 1/2 quarts
2 cups raspberries
2 cups strawberries
1 cup blueberries
1 cup blackberries
2 tablespoons framboise (raspberry liquor, optional)
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 cup whole milk
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1 tablespoon liquid honey
2 cups heavy cream
4 large egg yolks
1. In a blender, puree the berries. Press the puree through a strainer to remove any seeds. Stir the framboise and lemon juice into the berry puree and refrigerate until needed.
2. Pour the cream into a large bowl and set the bowl in an ice bath.
4. In another bowl, whisk together the egg yolks. Temper the eggs with a little of the milk mixture. Add the rest of the milk mixture to the eggs. Stir constantly or the eggs will begin to cook.
5. Scrape the egg mixture into the sauce pan over medium heat. Stir the mixture constantly until it thickens and coats the back of the spoon. Pour through a strainer into the cream bowl.
6. Add the berry puree into the cream and stir over the ice bath until it is cool.
7. Chill the cream for about 4 hours. Transfer the cream to an ice cream maker and process according to manufacturer's instructions.
8. Place ice cream in an airtight container and freeze for a minimum of 3 hours before serving.
9. Serve with fresh berries and drizzle top with honey.
Pretty much all the summer berries in one cup. The color looks so nice and inviting. Thanks for the recipe. More Lebovitz please!
That just looks fantastic.
Beautiful photos - and I agree about the book. I just pulled it off the shelf and stopped bookmarking recipes, there were so many I wanted to make!
Every time I see a recipe for ice cream I get one step closer to buying an ice cream maker. I just need to be convinced that it is worth the money...this berry ice cream is pretty convincing.
First off, your ice cream looks delightful and I could use a scoop now.
Next year I will buy an ice cream maker and a few pairs of pants with elastic waists.
Really dig the summer ice cream. The rosy berry color is amazing.
Thanks for the comment on my site. I really like your layout, and you have some nice looking recipes here.
In the words of my hero Arnold, I'll be back.
so pretty. how do you get all of that food made and posted so quickly? You're amazing!
that looks good
Look at all those berries you used! It looks great! Such a pretty color.
There is a party going on, on that plate. Just beautiful.
Berry ice cream rocks and yours looks ready for my spoon haha :). I'm so gelous: I can't seem to find raspberries as easily as I used's like they are fewer every year.
Love the idea of adding berry liqueur.
What's not to love about David Lebovitz!
I just made his plain chocolate ice cream and added kirsch soaked dried cherries, it was awesome!
I think that David is a genius! This looks ridiculously good. I could easily go for a scoop or 10!
Wonderful looking ice cream. I just bought an ice cream maker last week, can't wait to get creative with it. :)
Super looking ice cream! That book is certainly inspiring.
jude: I love the colour too. It's even more beautiful in person.
hyperion: Thanks, Hype!
madam: My mind was racing will all sorts of ideas. I'm posting a sorbet next.
aspirant: Get one! You wont' regret it.
peter: Thanks! Why wait until next year?
adam: Thanks for visiting and for the compliments.
dawnielle: Thanks! I do most of my cooking and baking on the weekends so that helps.
mr. nissan: thanks!
emiline: I know! I love the colour. It tasted pretty good too.
noble: You're invited to any party I have.
lore: It's been a great year for all sorts of berries here. I'm taking advantage!
brilynn: ohhhh, your ice cream sounds great.
cakespy: He is a genius and a great inspiration.
jeanine: You'll love it!
nicisme: Agreed!
Oh how absolutely gorgeous! Just look at the colours on that...
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