English Muffins

The Bread Baker’s Apprentice Challenge: No 12. English Muffins

It's time for another installment of my attempt to bake my way through Peter Reinhart’s wonderful book, The Bread Baker's Apprentice: Mastering the Art of Extraordinary Bread.

The twelfth recipe in the Bread Baker's Apprentice Challenge is English Muffins.

The beauty of this challenge is the opportunities it gives me to make things I never thought I'd ever make, like English Muffins. I've always liked English muffins but if given the choice I'd always get a bagel. Now, I'm all turned around on them. I heart English Muffins. :)

These English Muffins were a bit of an ordeal to make but worth every second of effort. If you've never had a fresh English Muffin, topped with butter, you haven't lived. Enjoy!

Show some love to the other challenge participants in this challenge.

Up next: Focaccia!


Priya Suresh said...

Beautiful muffins..

Katy said...

I love English muffins. I don't eat them enough. You did a fantastic job of them!

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Perfect muffins!



Barbara Bakes said...

Look at the height you got on these English muffins! Gorgeous!

jillian said...

These look amazing! I have always wanted to try to English muffins but never set aside the time.

NKP said...

Gorgeous! Makes me want to make them again.

Joie de vivre said...

Beautiful! They are a little bit of work, but they taste soooo much better than store bought.

Queen B. said...

beeeeeeeeautiful !

Copper apron sink said...

Wow, those look fantastic, never seen muffins risen that high before!
copper apron sink

Lot-O-Choc said...

oooh these have turned out excellent :) well done! :D

Lo said...

These are stunning, my dear. And if they taste as good as they look, then... They're making me seriously hungry for my mom's English muffin bread. One of the best bread memories of my childhood...

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